Your safety is our primary concern, and Jet Productions has a perfect safety record. We utilize only operators screened by WYVERN or ARG/US. These are the two highest regarded companies that audit safety records, which gives us access to detailed information about the aircraft and flight crews we offer. This guarantees that our planes meet the strictest safety standards in the aviation industry.

Wyvern Consulting Ltd., established in 1991, was the first private aviation safety evaluations firm that began performing worldwide, stringent, on-site audits of air charter operators' aircraft and aircrew. ARGUS International, Inc. (ARGUS), is a specialized aviation services company with global expertise whose mission is to provide the aviation marketplace with the information needed to make informed decisions and manage risk.
Jet Productions utilizes only operators that have passed these very stringent audits by one or in most cases both companies. In addition we provide you with crew and aircraft safety records including Air Carrier Certificate, Air Worthiness Certificate, and Proof of Insurance. Once you have an assigned aircraft and crew, we can verify that the trip meets Wyvern or ARG/US requirements.
All passengers on Jet Productions' flights are screened in compliance with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) standards, which require all passengers' full legal names and valid proof of identification before boarding. Jet Productions is a proud member of the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA). We give you peace of mind by taking every precaution to ensure that our flights meet the highest standards of safety and security.
In addition to meeting all of these stringent guidelines, we make it our business to know the operators and their equipment. We continuously conduct on site evaluations of our vendor aircraft and personnel to ensure that you receive nothing but the safest jets in the aviation industry. Your safety always comes first at Jet Productions.